Cultiver takes a systems-based approach, with the intent to create innovative solutions with multiplier effects for our clients and beneficiaries.
Simply put, this means we explore all facets of an organization/project to ensure that the solutions we propose have maximum impact, and can provide multiple social, economic and environmental benefits for client spend.
To achieve these goals, we offer these services:

Community Development Solutions
- Strategic & creative community engagement
- Bottom up & immersive community needs analysis
- Strategy & project or intervention design
- Monitoring & evaluation

Enterprise Development
- Enterprise development (rural, peri-urban & urban)
- Programme strategy & design
- Programme execution
- Programme monitoring & evaluation

- SMME Training (classroom & virtual)
- Project Management
- Business Strategy
- Strategic Marketing for SMMEs

- Transdisciplinary (multi-stakeholder) research
- Research design
- Data collection
- Report writing & dissemination

- Sustainable economic development
- Sustainable social development
- Sustainability
Some of the clients we’ve worked with: